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MPAS UK Client Story
Hoffwn gyflwyno ein cleient hyfryd o Ogledd Cymru, Ffion.
I would like to introduce you to our lovely client, Ffion from Ciwticwls.
A talented and trained nail technician, beautician and primary school teacher living in North Wales with her family.
Ffion has been featured on Business Wales website as a case study.
Inspiring us with her creativity as well as her work ethic and love of her job, she tells us about her vision for Ciwticwls, what she loves most about her clients, what challenges she faces in business and even what chore
she hates doing.
Here goes...
Ffion's Story
Ffion from Ciwticwls chats with Jess & Emma at MPAS UK.
Hi Ffion,
Thank you so much for being one of our client stories.
For our newsletter readers, could you please tell us what you do?
I am a nail tech, I'm also a primary school teacher. I live in North Wales with my husband and my 2 boys. Quite a busy person. My own business is called Ciwticwls, a nail salon. (Listen to our podcast where Ffion says this in Welsh!)
Where is the best place to buy your product/service?
Usually people get in touch with me through my Instagram or my Facebook page. I do have a booking system that's linked to my pages, people can book themselves, check what availability I have and what appointment they want. I'm always at the end of the line if anyone has any questions, what treatment goes with what. All about the Socials really, at the moment. In the process of developing my website, as Jess knows.
​I love your French Manicures. While I love colour, I have always loved a beautiful white tip - what is your favourite nail design and why?
I think it is the French. Years ago, if anybody would ask me for a French, I would've probably run a mile. I always used to offer everybody glitter because I found it the easiest nail trend that was about and you could chuck it on, it would look perfectly fine even if there was a few minor hiccups along the way. But by now, I think I've perfected my skill now, having more experience. I just love the crispness of the French. It's just classic. (Note: She does it freehand! Jess can't draw a straight line so she's amazed. More chat on the podcast re: this topic.)
We all have challenges in business, don’t we? Is there anything you find challenging in your business right now?
Right now, it's the time we're living in. Retaining clients. You feel like you have your OG's. One client said "it would be beans on toast, to make sure she gets her nails done". I have had clients since Christmas that I probably haven't seen, which happens. You can't judge anybody's situation. I'm the same, I've had to cut places in different areas. Also, people do tend to treat themselves in a way of "self care is important". A lot of clients say "This is my hour, this is what I get, I work hard so why not get something for it". It's reigning it in to what matters to you. If you've got something that makes you happy, then use it, give yourself that hour. Tell yourself "I'm going to book that in, once a month". It's lovely. I was talking about this morning in Baby Gym, talking to other mums, they find it like therapy. You get to know a lot about a person's life. I see the highs and lows of life. You do form quite a personal bond with every single person that sits in your chair. (More on this on the podcast, it's so personal. It's inspiring.)
What is the vision for your company Ciwticwls?
I've got so many ideas floating about constantly. I'm in the middle of working through my Educators Diplomacy at the moment, so that I can teach on the side. Technically, because I'm already a teacher, I can go ahead and do it now. I am the type of person, if I do something, I need to do it right. So I'm in the process of working through modules with a brilliant company called The Nail Tech Org ( so I will mention them, Amy who runs that, is absolutely fabulous and is a good support. I do have plans, education is one of them - a natural progression because I've been teaching for the last 10 years. I'd like to set up my own academy and I'd like to make my presence a little bit more known on social media, build on my brand, make it more of an encompassed brand rather than 1 thing. (More on this on the podcast.)
Is there any problem you need to be solved or are you feeling comfortable with how business is going at the moment?
I wouldn't say I'm a numbers girl. You are literally my safety blanket. You're never taught how to run a business and I find this is a big factor that needs to be incorporated into schools, even in primary. I've been teaching Year 4 and 5 about business. Where they were able to set up a business (this was before Christmas) and create a product to sell at the Christmas fayre. They had to go through all the nitty gritty, a brand, creating a logo, doing their costings for certain products. I found it really inspiring. They were using apps I'm using (e.g. Canva). (Jess agrees and divulges on our own plans for the future to support this in Wales.) I'm a complete creative. My passion oozes on that side. When it came to the business side... it is there, but the confidence isn't there. By now, I have much more confidence in it. My business has established itself, it's ticking over and it's making me money, which is the goal, first and foremost. It's definitely a minefield when you start. Hand on heart, had I not found you, I don't know where I would be now. (Ffion tells how she met us at MPAS UK aka Middleton Professional Accounts Services.)
It must be so satisfying when you take a Before and After reel of your creations. What do you love the most about your job?
I don't feel like I'm working. I love every aspect of it - from the minute that a client sits down, the chats that you have, maybe they'll bring a photo for inspo. I do have a certain client that might just sit down and say "just choose 3 colours, do whatever" or she might just say "do what you want." I love the freedom it gives you, in a way. "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
What do you wish you had more time to do?
The nail art side of it. During lockdown, when lockdown first happened, I sulked - I just closed the door on my nail room and I sulked for about 3 months. And then I got back into it, just slowly, and started practising. I miss the practise stage. Now I'm too busy to practise. That's what I miss the most.
Is there anything that’s keeping you up at night when it comes to your business?
It's probably my lack of structure because I feel I am such a creative. I've got all the planners going, I do write it down, I don't 100% follow it. I deviate away from it, I go a little bit 'free-spirited'. It does take time for me to switch off a bit. The balance, definitely. (Ffion chats about the balance and things she'd like to improve on. Jess chats about Winston Churchill and his depression, our burn out, having no balance in business. Is it a skill or a discipline? We discuss this too!)
What makes you happy in life and in business?
My family, definitely. In business, my clients. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today... and family life, you need the support around you so that you can do different things.
What type of communication works best for you? E-mail, phone, face to face?
Probably on the socials, I don't mind at all. E-mails never really happen. They do when corresponding with different brands and businesses but not clients, day-to-day. Saying that, it is something that I've thought about because if Instagram disappears, I have no shop window. I've thought about generating a monthly newsletter and incorporating educational pieces as well... Word of mouth. (Listen for more ways...)
What do you think makes a successful client-supplier relationship?
Getting to know clients is important. I have a client who came to me, she won't mind me saying this, she had no nails and she wanted extensions. I said I can't, I physically cannot because I would be placing a product on your skin and I will not do that. My training and my profession has taught me how to actually apply different products. With the science side of it, you wouldn't do that because you're opening yourself up to so many allergies and what-not that would come with it. I gave her a plan, I sent her away with cuticle oil and I said "use it every single day, twice a day". She came back about 6 weeks after, she had the tiniest nail beds ever and we started her on a growth journey with Builder. By now, she has lovely nails, same size as mine now. It's a success story in itself... There's no point in me taking somebody's money for the sake of taking somebody's money. I wouldn't do that. It's not in my nature... (More on this on the podcast, or I'll be here for a while.) You've got to tailor your services to a personal level - you deal with somebody today and you might deal with a completely different scenario tomorrow, but them walking out with a set of nails and feeling a million dollars makes a world of difference to their situations.
We all have our own workflows. How do you manage your clients?
(answered above)
What is the single most important benefit you get from us @ MPAS UK, above all else?
Confidence. When I look back to when I actually met you the first time on Zoom, I'm sure I was a bag of nerves... I lack in believing in myself.
If you and your business need some help with your accounts, do you feel comfortable approaching us @ MPAS UK?
Oh yes! (Jess isn't scary any more.) It's always better to ask, I don't have that knowledge so it's better to speak to you (with the knowledge). Our last meeting, Jess, when we were talking about different things we can do in the salon, it's the ideas I can get from someone else as well. I've got a lot of ideas going about, but they're all to do with the day-to-day running of the business, not the behind the scenes of the business. (Griff and Billy Bear make an appearance.)
And just for fun, what chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Cleaning! (Ffion didn't have to think about that and she loves Stacey Solomon's "Sort Your Life Out", just like Em. And if you're listening to the podcast, you'll hear Em's confessions and Jess' least favourite chore. Also, we meet Ewan the Dream Sheep... It's not all serious stuff here, we know how to have a chuckle!)
Thank you Ffion. It's been such a pleasure chatting with you and we would love to visit you in North Wales! (Note from Em: I'll book in for a French tip, please and thank you!)

Find Ffion & her beautiful business
right here, right now...
If you're in North Wales for a visit or you live there, click here to book in your appointment:

Watch the video of our interview here...
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